
Do You Think RH Bill Can Protect Life and Promote Healthy Lifestyle?

Medical experts have their own proven belief either utilizing RH Bill standard can protect human health or can bring possible severe diseases. Significantly to a woman, medical professionals and surveyors intensified the truth behind Reproductive Health Bill application such as intake of oral contraceptive pills, using of condoms on sex affairs, divorce, etc. Most of these American researchers pointed out that every aspect of RH Bill which authored and approved into action legally by congress in America will not only injure women’s health but also affect their whole life after a divorce from her husband (“being a single mother is not as that easy to carry on”). Another allegation against the said Bill was the fact that use of condoms will not truly decline the rate of HIV but thus worsening the risk of it.

Recent years ago, a Singaporean expert as well as a former Prime Minister realized the possible danger of economics long-term decline that might exist due to gradual lessening of population because of birth control as part of the RH Bill program. He foretold that this might results to economic crisis like what happened to Japan, there are many tasks but have no employees to be employed. He announced to welcome young immigrants coming from different places particularly nation’s reflecting their own mix ethnic like China, Korea, and India to replenish declining population.

United States of America was known to be worldwide leading economics not long ago before global crisis strikes. This country stabilized RH Bill as part of the law and obliged people to abide what it’s covered believing that controlling population can sustain high economic status. Before 2008 when global financial crisis stroke, many other nation adapted the said Bill and put it into action legally as well hoping that they may have the same outcome as United States. At First, The result was good but later it won’t. Aside from hardship to top the economic needs, the life of the unborn that should be given birth that might be in charge in developing country’s future was destroyed.

No matter what law would a country apply to restrain economic status from falling down, there is no such apparent guarantee that it will outcome according to purpose. The cycle may always vary to what man today’s action, “what you sow what you reap”.

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